Our Vision: Use the latest technology and applications to build energy sufficient & sustainable communities, create jobs, and co-create energy independence.
Our Goals: $ave you money, add value to your property, improve your quality of life & living, provide you value & service, and see your job through.
Your Part: Learn and understand the value and benefits of energy efficiency, alternative energy and conservation, and then let us help you qualify for these programs, get you going, and make sure everything get’s done right!
Please, think about how we all co-create more vibrant communities, and how we can best serve you, in these three ways:
1) Energy $ and $ense!
– Reduce and $ave
– Produce and $ave
– Conserve and $ave
2) No-Sweat Equity!
– $tate, County and Local Programs
– Utility Company Programs
– Finance Options and Other Programs
3) Think Nationally, Act Locally!
– Health and $afety
– Durability, Value and Jobs
– Concern for the Environment
We are your one-stop-shop for your information, education and training, as well as advice, referrals, and assessments/ratings for your property. Whether you want to improve the durability of your property, reduce energy costs, add value for re-sale, or improve your indoor air quality, safety and comfort, we will guide you through your process. And, in addition to energy efficiency upgrades and retrofits (“weatherization” as its called), we’ll also advise you on all forms of clean, sustainable, alternative energy production, and conservation measures.